Posted by: caschaake | December 9, 2006

Jenny Lewis and Death Cab (12/6/06)

I just got from one of the first concerts I’ve been to in a long time. This was only the third concert I’ve been to in my life. The second was Bob Schneider at Fat Daddy’s in Denton back during the summer of 2003. My first was Tripping Daisy at the end of my senior year in high school, so around April 1999. I had thought about getting tickets the day they went on sale, but decided against it for absolutely no reason. About a week ago, I changed my mind about not wanting to go, and luckily found some on eBay for face value in Row F. I’m incredibly glad I bought them. I’ve never been a big Death Cab guy, and this concert didn’t really change that. They make some enjoyable and very catchy tunes, but nothing that ever grabs me. I’m always happy when they come up on shuffle on my iPod, but I never sort through artists to play one of their albums. I thought Ben Gibbard (the lead singer and also the guy behind Postal Service) was fantastic. However, at times it seemed like it was his show and the band was just along for the ride. The other thing that kept me from thinking they were great is that I was never surprised. Even though I haven’t been to that many concerts or listened to a ton of Death Cab’s stuff, they put on the exact type of show I would expect. It’s great for fans of the band, but it left me wanting more. I was pleased that they played a good mix of early and new stuff, so they mixed songs like “Photobooth” and “The Sound of Settling” in with “Soul Meets Body.”


To be honest, I was more excited about Jenny Lewis (lead singer of Rilo Kiley) than Death Cab. I haven’t listened to Rilo Kiley, and only recently got into her solo album with the Watson Twins. I’m not sure what took me so long, but now I’m sold. There’s something incredibly sexy about her voice that I love. I also like country/bluegrass influences in her music. If I had to guess where’s she’s from, I’d go with Tennessee, but I know it’s LA. Unfortunately, most of the people there were there to see Death Cab, so people weren’t into her as much. The two guys in front of us were however, and one had some interesting dance moves. During the show, everyone was seated, and it was holding this guy back. If you want to try out these moves, bounce up and down in your chair and alternate punching your fists in the air. Congratulations, you’re now dancing like a white hipster. My only problem with her performance is that it was way too short. Her set lasted at most 45 minutes. I guess that’s expected since she was the opening act.


I had a great time at the concert and am definitely not waiting for another 3 years before going to my next one.

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